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Eisenhower Expressway Closed After Pedestrian Struck and Killed 

On October 14th, 2024, NBC Chicago reported the Eisenhower Expressway was temporarily closed after a fatal pedestrian crash. It is another tragic pedestrian crash in our region. It is still under a more comprehensive investigation by law enforcement. Here, our Chicago wrongful death attorney discusses what we know about the crash, highlights the dangers that pedestrians face, and provides an overview of civil wrongful death claims. 

Pedestrian Was Struck and Killed On Local Highway in Cook County

As reported by NBC Chicago, both the inbound and outbound lanes on the Eisenhower Expressway (I-290) were closed early Monday morning (October 14th) due to a fatal pedestrian crash. According to a spokesperson from the Illinois State Police, an adult male was struck and killed while “in the roadway” of the lanes heading outbound from Chicago. However, the force of the impact sent the victim into the inbound lanes. The tragic pedestrian accident is still being investigated by law enforcement. They noted that the driver of the SUV was cooperative with police. 

Pedestrian Face Extreme Risks from Traffic

Unfortunately, pedestrian safety remains a serious problem in Chicago, Cook County, and throughout the entire country. According to the latest comprehensive report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were more than 7,300 pedestrians killed and more than 60,000 pedestrians injured in motor vehicle collisions in the United States in 2021 alone. 

Alarmingly, pedestrian safety is actually getting worse. Over the last two decades, the total number of pedestrian fatalities in the U.S. is up by more than 20 percent. Whereas pedestrian deaths actually declined gradually in our country between the last 1970’s and 2009, the trend has flipped. Since 2009—when only around 4,000 pedestrians were killed in the U.S.—fatal accidents have been rising. Notably, pedestrian deaths are rising at a sharper rate than pedestrian injuries. Highway safety officials believe that heavier cars and increased speeds are the reason.  

Chicago Sees More than its Fair Share of Pedestrian Crashes

Unfortunately, pedestrian safety is also a serious problem in Chicago. Our city sees more than its fair share of serious pedestrian wrecks. Here are some key data points from the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT):

  • There were nearly 2,300 pedestrian collisions reported in Chicago in 2022. 
  • 54 pedestrian deaths were confirmed in the City of Chicago in 2022. 
  • 70 percent of fatal pedestrian crashes involve speeding drivers. 
  • The western and southern part of our city sees more pedestrian crashes. 

Fatal Pedestrian Crashes: An Overview of Wrongful Death Laws

Was your loved one killed in a pedestrian crash in Chicago? It is a terrible, gut-wrenching tragedy. Your family needs justice. In some cases, the responsible driver could face a criminal charge—such as if they were intoxicated. However, in many deadly pedestrian crashes, there may be no criminal liability. You have the right to bring a civil claim against the at-fault driver and their insurance provider. Here is an overview of the wrongful death laws for fatal Chicago pedestrian crashes: 

  • Wrongful Death Claims are State-Based, Civil Lawsuits: Wrongful death claims arise from truly devastating circumstances. These civil claims fall under state law. A fatal pedestrian crash in Chicago can give rise to a civil wrongful death claim under Illinois law. These laws ensure that the responsible parties are held accountable in a civil court, providing a path to justice for grieving families. Our Chicago fatal pedestrian crash lawyers have a deep understanding of Illinois law. 
  • A Personal Representative Files the Claim in Illinois: In Illinois, the legal process for addressing fatal pedestrian crashes begins with the appointment of a personal representative. The representative—often a close family member—has the responsibility to file the wrongful death claim on behalf of the deceased. Indeed, only the personal representative can file a wrongful death lawsuit in Illinois. Sadly, not every person who was close to the victim has rights under the Illinois wrongful death laws. The main beneficiaries are the victim’s spouse, children, parents, and, if applicable, other dependents. 
  • Claimants Must Prove Defendant’s “Wrongful” Act: For a wrongful death claim to be successful, claimants must prove that the defendant’s wrongful act directly led to the death of their loved one. Every deadly pedestrian crash in Cook County should be thoroughly investigated by an experienced Chicago, IL wrongful death lawyer. Evidence such as witness testimonies, traffic surveillance, and expert opinions can help to prove that a wrongful act—such as speeding or distracted driving—caused the deadly crash. 
  • Surviving Families Member Can Seek Compensation: Surviving family members have the right to seek compensation through a wrongful death claim, which can cover economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages might include medical expenses incurred before death, funeral costs, and loss of financial support. Of course, wrongful death damages are primarily non-economic in nature. Surviving family members may be able to recover for loss of love, loss of companionship, and loss of consortium. 

Grieving Families Need Strong Legal Representation 

The loss of a close family member to a serious pedestrian collision is devastating. Although nothing could truly be enough to set things right after such a terrible accident, grieving families need justice. At Kennedy Watkins LLC, our Chicago attorneys handle all aspects of civil wrongful death claims. We are here to fight for your legal rights while you focus on grieving and healing. Our record of verdicts and settlements in complex cases demonstrates what we can do for grieving families in need. 

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Top Chicago Wrongful Death Attorney

At Kennedy Watkins LLC, our Chicago wrongful death lawyers are compassionate, experienced advocates for victims. We put grieving families. If your loved one was killed in a pedestrian crash, we are here to help. Get in touch with us today for a free, strictly private consultation. From our Chicago office, we handle civil wrongful death claims throughout the wider region, including in Cook County, Will County, Lake County, McHenry County, and DuPage County.

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